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2010. november 5., péntek

Genki leírás Facebook módra

Egyelőre nem a heti helyzetjelentéssel jelentkezem (ahhoz még lusta vagyok), de helyette beilleszteném annak a Genki rajongói klubnak a leírását, amit Facebookon találtam nem olyan rég. Szerintem igen vicces, akár azoknak is, akik nem tanulnak belőle :D Íme:


"For those of us who have laughed, cried, studied, and suffered over a Genki textbook.

For those of us who spent hours writing in the workbook only to see it slowly shrink as the semester progresses.

For those of us who are learning countless useful, but mostly seemingly random kanji (wondering what Genki's greater plan is).

For those of us who have gone, or are in the process of going, from being able say things like, “excuse me, what time is it now?” (L1) to “I don’t remember whether I locked the door or not since I got drunk and went home last night.” (L21)

For those of us who have grown to love all the Genki characters, turning the dialogues into a kind of soap opera. Who can forget John-san, little Miss Korean goody-two-shoes Sue-san, stuck-up and popular Robert-san, strict but kind-hearted Yamashita-sensei, our beloved and endearingly forgetful swimmer Takeshi-san, and of course Mary-san, practically perfect in every way!!

For those of us who have seen Mary and Takeshi’s love grow from that terrible first date—where he waited for her at the wrong place—to their heartbreaking final “sayonara” on lesson 23.

And for those of us who faced (and are facing) obstacles, but love the language (with all it’s exceptions, and particles, and kanji…).

This group is for you! GANBATTE NE!!"

A csoport linkje: KATT
(Igény esetén lefordítom magyarra, de talán erre az igen művelt Olvasóknak nincs is szükségük :D)

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LoL, örülök hogy tetszik :D

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